It is striking to me how much of an atmosphere is created and held when you are in the presence or even participating in the dying process of a person. Maybe it is not that the sacredness of the environment is so much created but perhaps ‘caught’ would be a better term. …
And so, Jesus entered Jerusalem…
The disciples went and did as Jesus had ordered them.
They brought the ass and the colt and laid their cloaks over them, and he sat upon them.
The very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road,
while others cut branches from the trees
and strewed them on the road.…
What is the cost for giving new life? It can be very high. It can be death. Many of us know of someone whose mother died in childbirth. Even when physical death is not involved, new life always without exception means that something must die.…
What kind of god would allow this suffering, this virus, this inconvenience, this social disarray, this economic plunge, this pandemic, this fear, this death? Who is this god, and what power does he really wield?
We have asked for this by our immorality, by our disobedience.…
Years back, while in Puebla, Mexico, we were able to visit the Great Pyramid of Cholula, the largest known pyramid in the world today. From a distance, it appears to be a large natural hill. The Church of Our Lady of Remedies sits on top of the pyramid ‘hill’ built in the 16th century by the Spanish. …