

I am increasingly amazed at how much yard and house decorating goes into the preparation for Halloween.  I am constantly curious and somehow strangely encouraged by the energy and creativity that goes into this ‘holiday!’


You are like unseen graves over which people unknowingly walk”

Merriam Webster defines “throwing shade” in the following way:

Shade is a subtle, sneering expression of contempt for or disgust with someone—sometimes verbal, and sometimes not.


Song of the Red Bird

In the darkness of stilled eyes
the heart hears with pregnant breath…
the delicate punctuation
of your one-line song…
alluring me into the rhythm
of coaxing convergence

To be hidden is to
not know but to love
that edge of the present
which cannot be clearly seen
but only held as
the blind hug from behind
your back that surprises
and comforts you without
specific conveyance

Can faith simply be to love enough
AND reach abundantly to more?…